Our Videos

This page shows all the videos that have been produced, so far, by the Friends Group.

Volunteering at Cressing

The Friends Group supports community involvement at Cressing Temple in a number of ways. Volunteers are always welcome to help in the gardens and with the running of the Friends Group. Click here for more information.

The craft of beekeeping is one of the fastest growing hobbies in the UK and ‘backyard beekeeping’ is becoming a new craze – and where better to learn than in the beautiful surroundings of Cressing Temple Barns? Our beekeeper Jan looks after the apiary and she’s always keen to pass on her knowledge to Cressing’s volunteers. The Friends of Cressing Temple Gardens is a member of Braintree Beekeepers’ Association so that volunteers can attend meetings, talks and practical events to learn more about the bees.

Click here for more information

History of Cressing Temple

This video is a shortened version of the main video (which can be purchased by contacting us here). It brings together recollections of those who worked or had an interest in the site. Furthermore it explains the history of this unique and fascinating place and features those individuals who used their determination and forward thinking to prevent this historic site being lost forever.

The buildings and structures

For those interested in the technical aspects of the Arbour build, Joe Bispham, Historic Buildings Adviser, explains here how he constructed the new Arbour.


A video with highlights of the very successful Apple Day held at Cressing Temple Barns, in Braintree, Essex in October 2023.